The people mad that I think Tua was the right pick seem to think that franchise QB's grow on trees...

Lets walk through an exercise of how hard it is to get a quality QB.

Time to dive in.
I am going to equate this to fantasy to illustrate the point. If you dont have a QB that can put up top 12 fantasy seasons you probably have a game manager at best.

Here are the hit rates of top 12 fantasy QB's by draft capital up until 2017 class:
pick 15-32 of the NFL draft.

Yup, thats 3/14 = 21%

Meaning you would have to spend 5 late firsts to get one guy that has at least one good season.

You'd have to spend 14 first round picks to get a guy with 2 or more top 12 seasons.
2nd round.

2/16 = 12.5%

Enjoy spending 8 2nd round picks to get a guy like Andy Dalton or Derek Carr so you can hope that your franchise upgrades for their entire careers.
Round 3:

1/18 - 5.55%

Aye, we have a true difference maker for the first time since Aaron Rodgers...

Welcome to the club Russell Wilson!
Round 4:

2/14 - 14%

Could you draft a Kirk Cousins? sure, would you be happy with him? I cant answer that question for you, ask a WFT fan.
5th round.

6th round

2/16 = 12.5%

Tom Brady predates this database but ill give you him.

3/17 and we have another true difference maker!
7th round

1/10 = 10%

If Matt Cassell is your franchise savior I am not sure you are going to make it.
So in total we have:

Aaron Rodgers
Russell Wilson
Tom Brady

And depending on if you count Kirk Cousins as a difference maker or not.

I dont like those odds.

Just getting a competent starter after the top 15 picks was a 12/98 chance - 12.2%
Now lets flip this and say the WFT took Tua or even Herbert...

The group of top 15 picks is MUCH more promising.

20/29 = 69%... Nice.
Of those how many are difference makers? You decide.

But if there is one thing for certain, its that its a helluva lot better rate than hoping to figure it out later.
Sure they *could have missed on Tua or Herbert, but at least they'd have taken a high percentage swing at figuring out the most important position in sports.

Taking Chase Young was the safe pick, not the championship pick.

I dont like playing scared.
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