Counties has been advised hearing would be Wednesday. Yet Stacy Abrams’s sister’s court ruled today.

Important facts: Citizen Challenges do not seek to remove people from the rolls. That is a scare tactic being used to upset people. 1/5

#EyesOnGA #GAValidatetheVote
Citizen challenges can be submitted up to 5pm the day before the election. The 90 day window is a stipulation for states to follow under NVRA, not citizens.

The NCOA has been proven time and again to be sufficient basis for probable cause. 2/5
#EyesOnGA #GAValidatetheVote
These challenges were conducted to the letter of the law. The citizen challengers are HEROES. Election integrity should unite us, not divide us! 3/5
#EyesOnGA #GAValidatetheVote
Citizens must have their voices heard! We are fighting for the rights of every eligible voter. Vote for whomever you choose, but let the election be fair. 4/5
#EyesOnGA #GAValidatetheVote
We will not back down, we will not surrender, and we will never quit fighting for voters’ rights.If we cede these rights now, it is only a matter of time before all other rights are stripped away. 5/5
#EyesOnGA #GAValidatetheVote
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