This shit is stupid and written for clicks by carrying a purely negative narrative. The animation is bad and souls look like toothpaste. He complains that they called Tina Fey's voice annoying in the film. Because Joe never verbally said the barbershops was important it wasn't.
Joe having a poor relationship with his mother isn't a celebration of Blackness is a sticking point? Because Black people don't have bad relationships with parents and everything has to be a celebration of Blackness? Or, is because you need everything in kente cloth?
The movies message was not "look at how Black people live," or "jazz is the magic of life."

The film clearly states that Joe was just existing and that isn't anyway to live because he was ignoring the magnificent parts of his life right in front of him. It straight up said that
People are writing bad reviews of this film because they missed the point of it that was handed to them. They're trying to justify their Blackness by saying the film wasn't Black enough. What did you want? Joe is a man who doesn't embrace anything but Jazz. He's obsessed.
Joe was on the verge of tears in the barbershop because it took 22 being a goof for him to realize how much he was missing out on the love and culture around him. Same with the Jazz club, he realized the music and people close to him were more important than fame.
The only reason I watched the movie is because my aunt and uncle are in their 50s and he told me they both cried watching it. He cried at the barbershop scene because he didn't understand how Joe could miss all the love in the shop. She cried when they said a spark wasn't purpose
There were literally 4 white people with speaking roles in this film. This a good movie, and searching for issues to justify your blackness doesn't subtract from that. It makes you look like a clown.
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