Furious about banned books+censorship of children's lit? Mad as hell when children can't access the titles they want to read? Me too.

Read these books, buy them, recommend them.

But let's be clear. LGBTQ voices are the ones being targeted. Again+again. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna992221
These are the real numbers, which honestly, are probably a little low. It can be *very* unsafe for ppl to report book censorship. I, for one, was pulled into an office by 3 superiors for lending out a book where a duck wanted to do BALLET INSTEAD OF BASEBALL.
This wasn't even a queer character. This was a DUCK who didn't want to play sports. I was screamed at+threatened and very scared of unemployment. This was not an isolated incident.
My experiences echo the numbers ALA reports, but I did not report. I chose to keep my job until I found a new one.
These stories of classics being cruelly ripped away from children just aren't based in reality. It happens, sure. But not in enough numbers for you all to be clutching yr pearls in this manner.

Want to protect a child's right to read? Amplify the voices of marginalized authors.
Make sure all children can access books that are affirming of their identities+experiences. If that title isn't a "classic", find a way to make peace with that. A child's sense of significance and belonging is more important than yr warm, fuzzy nostalgia re: dead white authors.
Oh, and those of you ending up in my quality filter where you belong, you wouldn't be the first person to contact my place of work to complain about my views. Knock yourself out. I was hired *for* my views, I am regularly asked to present to other educators re: my views. Enjoy.
Maybe instead make a monetary donation to a school or kid-centric community organization in need. That would, indeed, make you a lot better than fragile snowflake crybaby liberal old me. 😀
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