The movie soul represents the fall. Our fall. And our blind lust for humanity when we already have everything. The movie soul represents the all knowing aspect of self that fell.. forgot who it was, ( 22 ) and began to develop a lust for humanity via sensory perception.
The movie soul puts the ball in “your” court. The movie soul actually has a lot of gnostic elements that reject the perpetuation of human zeal. The missing spark represents the entire middle pillar in Kabbalah, and the voyage of the hero.
The movie soul is about the number 23 as well.
The mentor represents amenta that’s why they were in the “great before” which is the medula oblangata or Akashic records. So they had the hall of everything and they had the hall of personal lives. That’s why he was borgensen but if you remember Joe never said he wasn’t borgensen
I mean this is just our story with a liberal human twist to it. About goals & shit like that.
22 represents the DNA we lost in the fall. But 22 and Joe ( lower self ) together represent the redeemer of Christ consciousness who’s ultimate objective is the liberation from the ailments of the flesh. But he’s stuck on the piano shit.
Terry represents Kronos & Saturn in certain aspects I think everybody got that.
22 represents wave, and Joe represents particle. That’s why they had to find the missing spark. So they told the whole story of our fall. The piano.
22 bones in the skull. 14 in your face 8 on your cranium. 22 number of the master builder. 22 dna strands that’s word to delbert Blair.
22 interference patterns/ 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Etc.
Jerry was basically the “parent of the entirety” as it’s called in Gnosticism. Many personalities, 1 Engine. She/He was also in 2D - “I am the coming together of all quantized fields of the universe”
Then she threw this up lol remember. “quiet coyoteee”, to quiet all the younger souls. In that context it was the Karana Mudra.
Then they went to the hall of amenta for the SEMINAR. Seminar means seed. So the great mother sent her seed to the hall of Amenta to mentor 22
Remember in order for Joe to fall into the great before he had to fall through the vanta black.
Jerry and the great before also represent Osiris.

“Is this, hell ? “

Little souls- “hell hell hell ? Hell ?

The programming system of the subconscious.
Remember the only way to get rid of the spark was to go to earth. But earth was only one of the 6 sparks used to find your “true purpose”.
Keep in mind that they don’t take shots at the mind in this movie. They take multiple shots at the brain. And I counted multiple shots.
If you remember when Joe was astral traveling and he saw the alternate realities and potentialities of his failure.
The spark represents atom. The piano represents the Apple // dual aspects of the tree. The missing badge represents the Christ mechanism.
One of the 6 * badges* excuse me.
Read a book called ego & archetype by Edward edinger.
The “spark” is the Atom// Remember the only way you lose the spark is if it becomes an earth pass. That was an acknowledgment of your immortality and the gift or curse that can be discernment.
Ima keep going tmrw.
Remember. 22 did not want to go to earth. Because she knew everything. And she had access to the hall of everything. So why go to the limitation of piano playing if you can experience every single possible outcome ever.
Then she went to earth & boom the pizza got her... then the human relationships start to get to her... now she wants to do her own thing. You see she slowly starts forgetting the general mission and that was to get the pirate to pull the body swap.
That hippie mystic astral pirate nigga lol
Just like the joker movie... they’re always going to make the black woman the gate keeper of truth... and the maker or breaker in the trajectory of the hero’s journey. In the joker movie, there were 3 pivotal black women who were in those roles. In soul, there was two.
Moms and Jazz lady.
Joe was the mentor. Not 22. But 22 was tryna tell this man, the earth shit is not all that.
Remember all those big ghoulish robot things in the “zone” that were over addicted to their human goals, desires, and passions in the astral

- “make a trade make a trade” . And then the pirate said

“Some people just can’t let go of their anxieties and depressions”
22 at the barber chair - “ I existed as a theoretical construct on a hypothetical weigh station ( Scales of ma’at ) between life and death “
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