I am just so tired... https://twitter.com/marykongomg/status/1342604276980477952
Go the fuck outside.
If you found enemies within the community you have no pain inflicted upon you, debates amongst each other is healthy as we still need to find our way to health and home but if you keep in fighting no one benefits, stop the useless oppression olympics.
You treat this shit like a trend and wonder why we get brushed aside, we don't stand in solidarity. Instead we hate each other, race, gender and sexuality are all different subjects with different trails and tribulations. Poverty can even have an effect, GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE!
It's counter productive to be homophobic and a member of the community, some would say down right hypocritical. I wish you could see this is what they want, they removed history about us, left our existence a political opinion and treat us like pets or next "hot" thing.
And you sit there like "gays" are the problem, did we not bleed the same as you, did we not get ostracized from our homes and family, treated like a mental condition then thrown in camps to be "healed", BUT they have it good now right? Go outside...
This cannibalization of our community is disgusting, we need to stand up for each other. Fight for rights of all and make sure that all of us can have a place and be fulfilled, this isn't the cool kids table. Go the fuck outside and realize this shit is childish and unnecessary.
We all face hate, we don't need anymore but it's cute to post your hot "gay" takes like this shit is a joke to you, I am just so tired and ashamed of some people I consider my people. Get informed, get educated, and take the fight to those who are our real roadblocks to equality.
You can follow @YourGayDaddy.
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