attack on titan characters and what i think their fave arctic monkeys albums are: a thread
eren: whatever people say i am that’s what i’m not bc hes got a virgin ass personality
mikasa: whatever people say i am that’s what i’m not bc she’s trapped in erens clutches
armin: suck it and see bc he thinks it’s underrated and likes the exploration of different styles in it. his fave is hellcat spangled shalalala bc i said so
sasha: whatever people say i am that’s what i’m not bc it’s rowdy and fun
connie: favourite worst nightmare bc it has fun rock songs but he also be in his emotions
jean: he likes suck it and see. he thinks about mikasa when she’s thunderstorms comes on
levi: humbug and/or tranquility base hotel + casino. he likes their depth and experimental styles.
erwin: he only really knows do i wanna know and he thinks it’s neat good for him he’s trying. although sometimes levi plays secret door around him and he thinks that one is also neat. and he is correct.
hange: tranquility base hotel + casino bc it’s sciency and cool and there’s lots of fun references to pick out
reiner: favourite worst nightmare. it just fits his vibe.
bertholdt: i think he’d be in the suck it and see club bc he likes the love songs
annie: she has “i don’t really listen to music” energy. but if she did i think she’d like am.
historia: suck it and see bc she thinks it’s romantic but her fave on it is actually library pictures. idk why it just makes sense in my brain
ymir: suck it and see bc it’s historias fave and she loves black treacle bc it makes her think of historia. suck it and see is for the gays and sapphics what did you expect.
zeke: am bc he wants to be edgy and cool behind his cigarettes but he doesn’t realize that album is about worshipping women and simping.
floch: he is a 1975 stan.
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