@CAgovernor @DJUSD @sacbee_news @alldenews Stick with me here: Remember when the CDC said "last Spring, the CDC did not recommend school closures, nor do we recommend them today."?(Nov 19th) #OpenSchools
And then the CDC went on to say "K-12 schools can operate with face to face learning, and they can do it safely, and they can do it responsibly"?
Do you also remember Dr. Fauci saying "As a fundamental principle, and the default position, you should try to do whatever you can to get the children back to school."? (Nov 22nd)
Or how about the time Dr. Fauci said "Close the bars and keep the schools open."? (Nov 29th)
Maybe you remember when the Acting CA Public Health Officer testified that "Schools should absolutely reopen."? (Oct 27th)
You might remember the WHO saying "Children are not considered primary drivers of transmission and, as such, school closures are not considered to be an effective measure for the control of COVID-19"... (Nov 19th)
@DJUSD, remember when the county Public Health Officer told the Board "On the whole, what evidence there is, again, suggests that students and staff are able, when proper precautions are taken, that they can return to school in a relatively safe manner in person"? (Nov 19)
Or maybe we all remember when the Sec of CA Health & Human Services said "We have not seen a connection between increased transmission and school reopening or in person learning. We're looking....and so far we have not found one" (Oct 6th)
Everyone should remember when UNICEF said "Shutting school systems is the wrong response to COVID-19" (Dec 7th), and that "School closures have devastating consequences" (Dec 14th)
The point is: we remember. And as we've watched other countries and states reopen safely, with little to no virus transmission (as the science predicted), we wonder why our schools still aren't open, and don't even have a plan to open.
If you need a refresher, feel free to check out the link, below. We're waiting, and we are watching. History will be the judge, and it's not looking good for those who refuse to #OpenSchools. https://sites.google.com/view/djusdparentcoalition/media
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