a hitoshi shinsou character analysis thread
minorities in bnha
ok hitoshi shinsou. a kind of straight forward character on the surface but if you look a little bit more into it i think he really is more complex
whether people notice it or not i personally do think shinsou is really minority coded. in the bnha people are judged by quirks and since his quirk is seen as “evil” he is very heavily judge by this
in bnha universe, their quirks would translate to skin color in the real world(or at least that’s how i see it) in this case shinsou’s quirk would translate to a poc. unfairly judged and seen as a threat all because of something he can’t control
now as a minority it is very obvious to see the bias people put towards shinsou. his quirk isn’t flashy which is enough of a downside of its own and let’s be honest, seeing how villain in bnha work, it would be a really perfect quirk for someone with villainous intent.
shinsou got through his junior(and some elementary considering kids get quirks at young ages) school years being looked at as if he was going to become a villain. considering how unfairly he was treated anyone would think he had every reason to become a villain
in his fight versus midoriya i personally think if midoriya wasn’t a mc or in class 1a he wouldn’t have won. this may just be a personal bias but i really do think shinsou should have surpassed midoriya at the sports festival and gotten in the high ranks. +
+no one really new what his quirk was so he could use it to his advantage
shinsou didn’t really have much screentime bc he lost to midoriya very early on in the sports festival. tho i am very excited to see him on screen more bc i think he really does have a lot of potential
characters who have faced hardships usually tend to be better at seeing multiple sides of things, bc they have experienced multiple sides and as we know shinsou knows what it’s like to be looked at not so fairly bc of something out of his hands
i hope to be able to look at him more in the future, that’s pretty much all i have to say 😄
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