It's been quite a terrible year. But also a year with many stories of resilience, endurance and creativity in tough times. Here's how the pandemic went down in #Colombia told through stories I covered....that I will not forget. (THREAD)
When the pandemic broke many migrant laborers & undocumented immigrants where left out of work around the world. In #Colombia thousands of Venezuelans walked back to their country in terrible conditions. I filmed this for Vice News w/Pedro Samper
Millions lost their jobs and inequality increased. In Bogota, beggars started walking through residential neighborhoods screaming for help in front of buildings . Musicians played for tips outside buildings too. Mariachi bands were first to try it.
In #Bogota an aeronautical engineer who used to work on drones for the police, started to make bubble-like helmets with their own ventilation system for workers on front-lines of COVID-19 response. They cost about two thirds less than helmets sold by 3M.
And as the economy got moving again, businesses that had been in hibernation started to slowly ramp up production. Like this factory in #Cali that makes disposable plates using pineapple scraps to avoid using plastic or chopping down trees.
And the Venezuelan migrants? They began to return to #Colombia by the thousands as soon as economy started to show some signs of life. After all the minimum wage in #Venezuela is currently $1 a month about 250 times LOWER than in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador.
It's been a challenging year to say the least. Let's hope we emerge from it stronger. I'm thankful to @AP @businessinsider @CatholicNewsSvc @trtworld @TRTMoneyTalks @BBCWorld @TheWorld for giving these stories space on their platforms & keeping me employed!
And also thankful to editors like @bfraze @vanessabusch @wbstorey @kjjozi @fgonzalezAP @APjoshgoodman for their support. As for #colombia what is the outlook?
Slow economy, growing inequality, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans arriving & requiring services. Gov struggling to control armed groups in rural areas & election coming up in 2022 where popular discontent gives leftist candidate Gustavo Petro good shot at winning. Veremos...
But whatever #Colombia throws our way we'll continue to enjoy life. Like "toothless cindy" who even makes it fun to commute Bogota's buses!
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