Apparently a lot of people don't understand how grooming kids into taking HRT works

let me relate the experience of a friend of mine in this thread:

First, they induce doubt into your mind by pointing out a feminine thing you enjoy (could be anything relating to your hobbies)
Then they ask you to introspect and expand on those hobbies

how does it make you feel when you do those things, better than <insert traditionally male thing here>?

they make you doubt yourself, your gender, and perhaps you think you are more feminine than masculine now.
Sometimes they engage in those hobbies with you, if it's over the internet.

Soon, you begin to associate that hobby with the groomer and femininity in general.

Then, they may ask you to do more feminine things, just to see how you like it.

Put on the socks, wear the dress, etc
If you do end up liking it, the suggestion then becomes "hey, maybe you're trans and just didn't know it"

your discontent with maleness grows, and you might think you really are trans and not just an effeminate male.

they would now suggest HRT for mood issues and femininity.
then you end up taking HRT as a non-trans person (usually black market stuff because you can't get a prescription)

estrogen improves your mood by default, so you think this is a good thing.

but since you don't have dysphoria, your identity issues worsen and fester.
so why do they do it?

from my limited experience, it's because they feel validated in "helping" someone through their gender issues

they genuinely see it as generous and philanthropic.

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