This is my thread exploring the super powers of heroine Buffy Summers.
Buffy is a vampire slayer. But unlike most vampire slayers it is her calling.

A calling that comes with a number of enhanced abilities.
A quick history lesson on vampire slayers.

The first vampire slayer was a Woman named Sineya who lived in Prehistoric times. A group of Shaman named “The Shadowmen” used the essence of a demon to give her the strength and power to hunt vampires.This is the slayers power source.
In every generation a new slayer is called. When one dies another is activated. And it stayed that way until Buffy came along.
Buffy was different than a lot of Slayers. She had a connection to the world which is what kept her alive for so long.

Here she is confronting the spirit of the first slayer Sineya.
Now lets get into Buffy’s powers and what makes her a unique vampire slayer..
Buffy was activated as a vampire slayer at just 15 years old. And she is thought to be one of the strongest slayers there was.
Buffy has a number of abilities and I’ll get into them one by one.
Buffy has the gift of prophecy and has often predicted future events. Sometimes her dreams were cryptic and other times they were direct visions.

This gift was seen rarely through out the series but Buffy used this ability to help save others and herself on a few occasions.
Buffy also has the power to shield herself from hypnosis. We’ve seen this with both The Master and later Dracula. Buffy was able to break free from hypnosis and defend herself from vampires that possessed psychic abilities.
Buffy also has the power of hyper awareness. When focused she can sense objects and people around her with her eyes closed.

This was a big part of her slayer training.
Here’s Buffy using her power of Hyper Awareness to stop Angelus.
Buffy also has enhanced reflexes allowing her to easily catch and avoid projectiles. Its safe to say she’s pretty fast.
Buffy also has the power of super endurance. She doesn’t tire easily and can fight for long periods of time.
Buffy also has the power of accelerated healing. Here she is fighting a vampire with arm that was nearly broken the day before.
Buffy may not be able to fly but she is agile and can leap a very far distance. Her past as a gymnast comes in handy as well.
Here’s a video of Buffy incorporating acrobats into her fighting style..
Buffy has been trained in Ju Jitsu and other forms of Martial Arts by her Watcher Rupert Giles.
Training wasn’t always..... smooth.

But she got the job done.
Buffy was also trained to use a number of weapons including swords, crossbows, axes and staffs.

This would later help her when using mystical weapons.
Buffy was very skilled with weapons and learned them rather quickly. She learned how to use a rocket launcher in just a few hours, giving us this iconic moment.
Buffy was a resourceful fighter who was not easily defeated. As the series went on she could fight 7-8 opponents at a time by wisely using her environment and getting them just where she wants them.
Buffy was so skilled that she could fight other slayers with ease. Buffy once died and was resuscitated- but not before another slayer was called.

Faith was the 2nd slayer in the new line of slayers and Buffy defeated her on multiple occasions.
Here’s Buffy defeating Faith again. In all fairness Buffy was a slayer long and actually trained with her Watcher.
Now its the part we’ve all been waiting for.

Buffy’s super strength!
Buffy has super strength and is very strong.

She has bended metal, broken a metal sword over knee and lifted beams that are over 400 lbs with ease.
Here you can see Buffy fighting a God. A god who has crumbled buildings with the stomp of her feet.

Though not as strong Buffy proved that she was quite the match.
Here’s Buffy defeating this God with a troll hammer. Keep in mind the troll hammer is hundreds of pounds and Spike (a vampire with super strength) struggled to hold it with two hands.

Buffy handled it with one.
The extent of Buffy’s strength is unknown. Even to herself.

We will never know how strong Buffy truly is. But it’d be interesting to find out.
All of these powers combined make Buffy one hell of a fighter and Superhero.
This concludes my thread. Thanks for coming!
Don’t forget to watch my Horror film! :)
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