People who don’t want a sequel to the Matrix perfectly captures the point of Matrix: Reloaded. The dream of freedom is the real control and people don’t wanna let it go.
There is no nice way of saying it: matrix is the fairytale of rebellion you don’t want shattered, and that’s exactly why the W’s knew they had to make 2 and 3 together. But real rebellion against the system requires acknowledging just how far that system goes.
“Zion is just another form of control.” It’s the exact same grievance people have with the prequels: when the axe is actually put at the political root of the system, people turn the other cheek. The dream is shattered, ‘my childhood ruined’, ‘take politics out of my movies’.
It’s funny how both Lucas and the W’s, people who were all interested in actually driving their IP forward on a political level, chose to incoporate the widely used strategy of artificially creating conflict to keep people trapped in a false sense of tribal identity.
Also interesting that in the Matrix sequels the protagonists remain the rebels. They just learn them rebelling is calculated into the system.
The SW PT however is from the imperialist pov: the fight is against the ‘seperatists’.

Same structure, opposite pov, opposite outcome.
You can bang on about the quality of the matrix sequels, but you likely just don’t like hearing the truth: your comfortable identity of ‘rebel against the system’ is artificial bs and you got suckered into a fantasy.
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