Here's President Trump's FULL statement on the COVID bill. Trump signed it with several caveats & most people don't get why. Read his statement instead of the fake news to understand his strategy. Congress agreed to increase payments to $2000, address voter fraud,
revise Section 230 & address red-line pork spending - all things they refused to do last week!

Trump invoked some obscure 1970's budget law under Nixon called the ICA1974, whereby he approves the funding bill, but impounds the funds until Congress fixes it. Just like we thought,
Trump's "RED LINING" of the COVID bill is how he eats their lunch and gets rid of the pork! Watch what's next.

What is the significance of Trump using ICA1974? It was written to stop Presidents from misusing funds. But it ALSO gives Trump 45 days to sit on funds.
If Trump declassifies everything before 45 days, and if certain corrupt members of Congress are removed, Trump controls Congress & its spending.

I think this was the goal of the spending bill. By having Congress admit they are investigating voter fraud and agreeing to repeal or
amend section 230, Big Tech will no longer be able to legally censor THAT NEWS without getting themselves shut down.

NO ONE predicted that POTUS would do this. NO ONE brought up this 1974 obscure law. NO ONE knows what his follow up to this will be.
TOO FEW trust him after he has made the best of bad hands for 4 years.
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