Debunking the Fraud Bernd Leno
(A Thread)
Weak shot for Leno to save almost wanting him to save it
Easy save over exaggerating the complexity of it Martinez would do better
Lukaku fakeshotting the ball to allow Leno another chance to save the ball FRAUD
Weak Header I could save this I’m my sleep
Purposefully weak efforts by erikson and sissoko to allow Leno to save the shot
Another weak header attempt at Leno Martinez could of saved this better
Another “double save” two purposefully weak shots just like the shots Vs Spurs
Bouncing shots to slower the pace of the ball letting Leno save it
Trash “volley” Martinez would do it better
Finally purposely putting Jorginho off so that he would miss tampering with it CLEARLY OFF HIS LINE
(End of thread) Share Like and RT to expose this fraud
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