Ad someone raised antivax & who spent most of my adult life antivax, I can tell you that no amount of reasoning is going to change the mind of an anti vaxxer. They're like Q. They don't accept factual sources but have their own set of sources & "facts".
You can argue science all you like but it won't work for a majority of anti vaxxers. They adamantly believe ppl are being deceived for profit & control. They do not trust experts. They have created their own reality.
They believed they are enlightened & educated, that the rest of us are just following what we've been told. They can argue stats like crazy but their stats won't be your stats.
I changed this belief for myself as I have every belief that has changed for me: by listening to the cognitive dissonance & following the discomfort til I found truth. By applying critical thinking skills & college science education to this topic.
Once you realize that your entire worldview is based on a lie, it makes it easier to question everything. For me, that started with christianity & likely won't ever end. Religion didnt hold up to logic & facts, turns out being antivax didnt either.
I was raised taught that the world was one way, but that was a lie. So many things were lies, built on carefully constructed alternate realities, a make-believe world, threatened by everything that didnt uphold it.
But when you start down the path of critical thinking & questioning how you know what you know, asking how to find truth, education in sciences & humanities, you often end up where you never expected.
Maybe some can be argued there. But I don't think that works for most, not when they've made their own construct & think your arguments based on lies & they have enlightened insight you don't.
My suggestion is to keep challenging. Keep saying "that's not how any of this works" & to pick & choose your arguments carefully. But push back. Use reason, facts, & detailed explanations. I promise plenty will hear & consider & keep coming back to your challenges.
I think this may be the way to get folks out of any alternate make-believe world they've built. Don't legitimize it, challenge it then move on to the next thing. Label it what it is: incorrect & make-believe. Over explain how the world really works as many times as you can.
Then go on living in the real world & showing them how it actually works.
And one more thing: don't make the mistake of thinking this is a Right vs Left thing. It's not at all.
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