Fact: 🇦🇲 averaged a 6.2% annual GDP growth between 1998-2017.
Fact: 100% landlocked, 80% of borders closed to official trade, state of war, fallout from '88 earthquake, 1 Asian eco. Crisis, 1 subprime crisis, demographic exodus.
Fact: one of the top 10 fastest growing econ. 🇺🇳
Theory: BILLIONS/yr have been stolen by the "oligarchs" and officials.
Theory: had they not stolen 🇦🇲 economy would have grown faster.
Question: faster than one of the fastest in the world? How much faster.
Theory: they stole at least 40% of the economy.
Hypo.: they stole over 50 billion dollars. So growth should have been >10%/year.
Challenge: please provide evidence for your claim. Point me to someone who has researched and substantiated your claim.
Response: I don't have to cus I saw it.
Q: 3000000 ppl have the same xp as u?
R: yes! I know everyone here and you've never lived her so you can't possibly know.
Challenge: that would mean 🇦🇲 would have grown faster than any economy in the history of the world. Seems improbable considering all the factors I mentioned above.
Resp.: Stop gaslighting me 😭😭
Please train yourself to argue in good faith with evidence not emotion. OUR country and OUR nation will be much stronger for it.
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