I’ve seen some stories going around vilifying law enforcement officers for removing someone from a business at a manager’s or employee’s behest due to a refusal or supposed inability to wear a mask. Before I go any further, I 100% oppose mask mandates. Regardless...
...of my personal stance, a property owner or their representative has the absolute right to dictate conditions for the presence of others therein. It could be a dress code, standards of conduct, and, yes, even the wearing of a mask. If a person not adhering to such standards... asked to leave and refuses to do so, then, in most cases, the police are called and tasked with removing the individual who, BY THEIR OWN ACTIONS, has become a trespasser. The reason behind the request for removal is completely moot. If the responding officer(s) ask...
...the person to leave and they comply then no further action need be taken. If the individual STILL refuses to leave then they must be removed. If they resist, then reasonable force must be used to effect the removal. Again, the original reason for the request to leave... irrelevant; at this point they are a trespasser. Whether it be a business or residence, the owner has rights to, and dominion over, that property. Imagine calling police to your home to remove a rowdy or annoying guest after you tell them to leave and they refuse only... have the officer tell you “I’m not going to remove this person because I don’t think what they’re doing is that bad.” It simply doesn’t work that way, folks, not should it. If you want to get angry, get angry at the business; the whole fucking thing is their call.
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