A thread of my pure anger in the Washington Football Team franchise. These emotions are directed toward the incompetence of owner Dan Snyder. As our 2019 first round draft pick gets cut this morning, I feel the need to highlight some key points from the last two decades.. (1/23)
..since this moron bought the team.
Snyder bought the team in 1999. A once prominent franchise, Has filtered through 20+ starting quarterbacks in 20 years. An embarrassing 148-202-1 record since taking over. Time after time the front office has over stepped football.. (2/23)
..operation decisions leaving the team in a bigger hole than it was the year prior. I believe anyone in sports will agree with my next statement. Dan Snyder is everything wrong in sports management. Just another f****** millionaire that comes in and buys the team and tries (3/23)
.. to call the shots with an absolutely abysmal amount of football operations knowledge. What he has done to the (Redskins) should be illegal.

What decisions you might ask...

Well..... (4/23)
..we can start with arguably the worst contract in NFL history, the 7-year $100M Albert Haynesworth signing. He went on to play less than 2 seasons and had 6.5 sacks. Overweight, unmotivated, and a total bust. Courtesy of Dan Snyder. (5/23)
Remember the McNabb trade? That’s right. We played our division rivals, the Philadelphia Eagles twice a year and after a century of watching him play... we trade for Donovan McNabb. Ah yes, a declining McNabb on the back end of his career. What did we give up for him? (6/23)
..A 2nd and 4th round pick for him. The result? You guessed it. Losing season, benched McNabb and traded him away for a 6th round pick. Embarrassing, yet again. The 2012 draft? I’m honestly cool with. If your football guys see potential in a player you take him. (7/23)
..We traded 3 first round picks and 1 second round pick to draft RGIII, a risky move, ultimately not working out in the long run due to an ACL injury. Nevertheless, it will go down ON PAPER as one of the worst trades in NFL history. (8/23)
Then there is the Bruce Allen era. His so called drinking buddy who was the GM for a decade. Fans repeatedly called for him to be terminated with #FireBruceAllen trending on social media after almost every game. Fans stopped going to games. Our home games looked like.. (9/23)
... away games. Division rivals took over FedEx field, making a complete mockery of Bruce Allen’s final season as GM. I have never been more embarrassed to be a Redskins fan than when I saw the Dallas Cowboys fans flooded in our own stadium. Disgraceful. (10/23)
Snyder refused to fire Allen, year after year, due to their friendship. Until this became a national headline being talked about around the league. After @notthefakeSVP addresses the disaster that Bruce Allen has been on ESPN, the NFL begins to pressure Snyder. Lack of.. (11/23)
...ticket sales, lack of television views, lack of jersey sales. In the HUGE market that the Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia area provides, not even a fraction of the revenue that should be brought in was being seen. Snyder ignored fans cries to change management... (12/23)
..until the last possible second, when he was FORCED to by the NFL. As a fan, I was angry. I didn’t want to go to any home games or buy merchandise. Why the hell would I want my money going into Snyder’s pocket? But how am I not gonna root for my childhood hometown team? (13/23)
Then we get into the Haskins pick in 2019. After decades of terrible decisions we think Snyder can’t make another decision worse than his last one. Well guess what? We pick Haskins as the 15th pick in the draft. Here we go. After football operations blatantly showing... (14/23)
.. no interest in Haskins, we REACH for him at 15. Forced onto the franchise by Snyder and his son who went to high school with Haskins (Are you f****** kidding me).

Snyder in an attempt to create a narrative of a hometown hero, ignored the coaches he hired to make... (15/23)
... these decisions. BLASPHEMOUS . Snyder demonstrating yet again how he is even worse than Knicks owner James Dolan. How the f*** have these guys not been forced to sell? Haskins, now is being compared with 1st round busts, Jamarcus Russell and Ryan Leaf. (16/23)
Haskins, went to the strip club and was photographed without a mask. After a loss. As a captain of an NFL team. Who is in the playoff hunt. After being on the hot seat for having a terrible work ethic.. (17/23)
Did I mention this was right after his head coach recently finishing CHEMOTHERAPY in a pandemic. Best of luck to Haskins wherever he ends up if he somehow turns it around and stays in the NFL. But this isn’t about Haskins. It was never truly about Haskins... (18/23)
Snyder proves consistently how he’s even worse at making decisions on the field. Buckle up for this one. In 2000, Snyder charger fans to come to training camp. $10 for admission, $10 for parking. The first owner to ever do this in NFL history. If this doesn’t infuriate... (19/23)
...you, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Can’t get worse can it? Let’s talk about how Snyder is currently in a lawsuit for sexual harassment with his teams cheerleaders. (20/23)
... This horny m*********** allegedly made his cheerleaders come up to his room and they made “extra cheerleading videos” which ultimately never went public and were apparently “topless”. This guy is the absolute scum of the earth. (21/23)
.. Washington Football team minority owners have been begging Snyder to sell the team as he single handedly is tearing down this once great franchise that my parents watched. Snyder is accusing these minority owners of extortion. He is not only a pathetic owner, but a... (22/23)
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