Lots of talk about the emails out of work hours thing, so wanted to add some detail. There are a number of different types of colleague:

1) The teacher who gets all their work done in normal business hours. Does not want to receive emails or work outside those hours. https://twitter.com/adamboxer1/status/1343600479067058177
2) The teacher who does not get all their work done in school hours, but still does not want to receive emails outside of school hours because it is an additional thing to worry about
3) My group: the teacher who deliberately keeps odd hours. I leave school as early as I can so I can be with my family, and pick up the rest of my work in the evenings and on weekends.
Scheduling emails via Outlook to arrive once the school day has started is good for teacher 1 and 2. It is NOT good for teacher 3. I get in early and start prepping my lessons. Last thing I need is a barrage of emails at 0815.
This is important: there is no one solution that will work for everybody. You have to be flexible and sensitive. That's why I included this section in the blog
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