I spent the last 2 months going viral on TikTok (2M+ views).

And the prior 6 trying to build in Consumer Social.

Here's what you should know about the future of Social 👇
TikTok is NOT *social* media.

It's just *media*.

The new age of media is just *inherently* social.
TikTok is nothing like Social 1.0: you don't interact with existing friend circles.

Instead, you discover entirely new niches and friendships you never could have dreamed of.

It's the power of a democratized and crowdsourced feed.
TikTok's frictionless onboarding flow (no signup req'd), bite-sized videos, and viral flywheel are the new paradigm.

We are compressing to shorter dopamine cycles. 📺
IG's recent redesign was the beginning of its end.

It's just a feed of memes and influencers now, not friends.

Reels was a painful example of a talented team stuck in the Innovator's Dilemma. 😔
If I were to invest anywhere in Social today, it would be in intimate, closed networks - a need not filled by TikTok.

iMessage, WhatsApp, and Messenger have struggled to capture this intimacy.

Though Snap has a strong foothold with Gen Z. 👻
I'd build something that had messaging at its core, but was social-first, rather than messaging-first.

Apps like @usehonk are on to something: https://tiktok.com/@usehonk/video/6909182677660847365?sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6893174541385336325&is_from_webapp=v2
Consumer social is a graveyard (myself included). ☠️

But I believe there's never been a better time to try:

The anti-FB rhetoric is piping hot.

COVID has made us question the very structure of our relationships.

And we are craving authentic human connection.
And if you're building in Social, please reach out! I'm happy to share all my lessons learned and mistakes made in hopes that you succeed.

I'm cheering you on. 🙌
You can follow @JohnHeezy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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