1. Word's out that many arrests have already been made and tribunals done... many sentenced; others are in G!tmo awaiting tribunal.
The following plan was given at the beginning... we've been watching this movie unfold.
Patriots in full control.
2. Justice Time.
3. The Storm is here.
4. The Patriots seem to be a group called America First Alliance that began at the time of J-F-K who was murdered. They have been monitoring the criminality for decades and collecting evidence to sophisticated intelligence they had to develop a Fail-Safe plan; it began in 2017.
6. Source to read about legal codes used for sentencing.
For example, 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason | U.S. Code | US Law | LI / Legal Information Institute
7. In regards to chart above, White Hats or Patriots had to drip info out slowly so that when ppl came to the precipice which is now, we could look back at the summary and make sense of it all. When we saw it back then, no one understood it or believed it. It's happening.
8. You see, the White Hats determined exactly who were the Invisible Ene-mY and who were the worker bees🐝.
The R0th€h!|ds have long been $@+anic workers, amassing great wealth by defrauding the🇺🇲banking🌏 system. https://twitter.com/WarNuse/status/1264006932534353926?s=20
9. Amshel Bauer is a R0+hs€h!|d ⏩▶️ E\\/!L centr@| banker. https://twitter.com/kacsandi_m/status/1343564007312154625?s=20
10. All in the p-e-d0 Fam. https://twitter.com/kacsandi_m/status/1343559908017516544?s=20
11. Great convo.
Watch "12.27.20 Post Election Update #13: DS ON COLLISION COURSE W/ THE PATRIOTS" on YouTube
12. A list updated and older of arrests, etc. This has been reported over the last few years. Ppl ⁉️ if body doubles, C-G-I or clones that we see now.
Again, we have a lot to learn, we always encourage you to do your own research.
13. Just a partial list...
14. All connected...all part of the same €|ub.
15. I am not an expert, I post what interests me; what I think is valid. Good idea to know several viewpoints; you can do own research, all going to find out truth very soon. By having a foundn of truth, we can comfort those who've absolutely no idea when truth all comes out.
16. Mil Intel told us right from the start that if they revealed everything all at once, then 80% populace would be in the mental hospital.
Cognitive dissonance is a part of our nature but as we continue to dig and pray🙏, we can then accept the truth for what it is.
17. The Patriots truly do have all the evidence of these people's crimes.
These code numbers are not just guesses.
Jack, eg. Is a Pe-d0-ph!|e and unabashed $@+an!st.
These €|ub member crimes include m0narch m!nd contr0| programming and MKU|tra... Often as initiation rites.
18. Some of these names,faces may shock you.
Remember that Alliance been watching this play out long time.
The idea here is to reduce fear, worry; anxiety. When we know WH in control, we can keep positive thoughts & pray🙏 with hope -an excited expectation of good things to come.
19. These devils have infiltrated both of the mainstream parties.
Neither party can survive.
20. Look up.
No worries 😊
WWG1WGA 🇺🇲🌏🙏🎆💥
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