Making people stand in line is the correct rationing strategy for the vaccine if we need 75-80% of the population infected or inoculated to defeat the new strain. We can't charge a market price -would be expensive until it's too late. The priority scheme is too slow. Lines. Now.
Young people exhausted their ability to wait in line on getting tested and buying PS5's. They will not beat the olds to getting the vaxx if it requires waking up early and standing in line.
You could probably vaccinate 10,000 people over 65 in one day just by going to a Walmart on a Saturday and pitching a tent. It makes vastly more sense than whatever the plan being executed now is.
I am convinced that much of the problem is a culture that tries to turn everything into some kind of tiered upsell. Well, sorry, the choice isn't between the luxury VIP vaccine ☆experience☆ and basic economy. It's: the Wal-Mart parking lot or another year wasted and more dead.
It's amazing that with trillions of dollars spent on various covid relief packages, I've never seen a single ad pushing people to become contact trainers, renew/take certs to become nurses and distribute vaccines, hiring for logistics-related jobs, PSA's with vaccine info, etc.
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