PSA: Not everyone w/a platform giving mental health advice is a licensed psychotherapist. Please research the source before trying to apply anyone’s tips to working through trauma, emotional challenges, relationship dysfunction, etc.
I’m a form believer that there are MANY paths to healing but/and we need to have clarity about what we’re consenting to.
Trauma, in particular, requires very specific training to help undo. Helping ppl work thru it requires a deep understanding of the physical & neurological impacts trauma causes.
Without this knowledge, a client can easily be re-traumatized by the person attempting to help them.
I love exploring different healing modalities & even incorporate them w/traditional psychotherapy but/and we have to always accurately represent ourselves to clients. Ppl come to us because they’re vulnerable & in pain. We MUST honor that.
I recognize when we’re in pain, we want relief. I want that for you too. Please just do your part to checkout the person who’s guidance you are trusting. Nothing is scarier than making yourself vulnerable to a wounded healer or someone misrepresenting their credentials.
I see you.
I know its tough.
You got this.
Keep flowing, Love.
You can follow @elizagboquin.
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