
Earlier in the session, I thought I’d be able to praise Senator Montgomery throughout the year. I couldn’t because, well 2020- but luckily, I was able to speak about her in honor of Women’s History Month. I created a new term- ‘Velmanetting’
Today’s session was critical and I’m glad we reconvened. However, today’s bittersweet for me as it’s the last vote Senator Velmanette Montgomery takes in her legendary career. Senator Montgomery is an icon and someone for young women to look up to- but not just women.
Senator Montgomery was someone I looked up to since I was an intern in 2004. I authored the Higher Education portion of the @BPHACaucus’ Budget Equity booklet, and Senator Montgomery told me I did an excellent job on it. Knowing who she was then, I was in awe of her compliment.
Imagine my absolute joy in getting to actually serve with her. As a colleague, the level of respect she demanded from colleagues on both sides of the aisle was awe inspiring to say the least. She was highly regarded and how can I put it- also known as one not to try.
I recall presiding during a portion of the budget debate in 2019, and each member was permitted a certain period of time, then they were to be cut off. Was going well enough. But Senator Montgomery was coming up on that time, and rapidly so.
And I looked around, and it seemed that all of a sudden, as she was speaking, that no one was concerned with time limits in the chamber. Because we all knew, no one was cutting Velmanette Montgomery off, that was for sure.
She earned that respect. Fighting for children and families before many of us who served with her were born. Fighting for the forgotten. Even if alone in no votes, unafraid to do so. An unwavering aversion to penalty enhancing legislation. An even stronger passion for service.
Her leadership in the fight for Justice reform cannot be forgotten. She was trying to raise the age before it was popular, stood out front and center on so many issues of importance, and always offered advice, words of affirmation and compliments- especially in tough times.
@zellnor4ny and I often talk about where we would be as a conference, a Senate, even a state, without Velmanette. She’s pulled more things together- and more people together- with her intellect, common sense and respect than you could imagine. If you know, you know.
As she completes her incredible Senatorial journey, Senator Montgomery wrote me an incredibly kind note and was incredibly complimentary of me, someone just trying to follow in her footsteps. They say never meet your heroes. Well I say they’re wrong. If you can, serve with them.
Thank you Senator Montgomery. We will carry on your fight.
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