ok I just want to throw my perspective into this j*nsen conversation bc I feel like I have a unique one and I don’t really wanna argue so read if you want but whatever
I was a part of a very small, somewhat local fandom once where the “actors” weren’t celebrities in the slightest
but the fandom was just as “fandom-y” as any other. I became very close with these “actors” and got to experience first hand what they felt like when they saw nsfw fanart of them or fanfiction, etc. I saw how uncomfortable they got when fans accused them of sleeping with their
coworkers/friends. I also saw how it effected the wives! One of which told me that the more people shipped her husband with the other “actors”, the more she worried and overthought certain actions of his.
Try your hardest to put yourself into the perspective of a married man who
now has thousands, millions?, of people who tell you that your marriage isn’t real & that you’re actually sleeping with your coworker/friend bc of a ship/look at all this extremely explicit fanart/fanfiction!
Wouldn’t you get defensive? Wouldn’t you try to deny it in an attempt
to combat the real life effects? Especially when you aren’t exposed to the fans who know the difference between shipping characters and shipping irl. No, you’re exposed to the extremists first. The ones who don’t know boundaries and who put your family at risk.
I completely
understand why it would take this long for j*nsen to come around. From what I remember of the fandom back in the day, fans were ruthless... (and we still have bad apples!) but he has grown so much. I’m not happy with the way he handled it back then, but I am understanding.
I’m sorry if you disagree with me but this is how I feel. I’ve seen the real world effects of very passionate fandoms/shipping and I cannot blame anyone for being defensive or speaking poorly out of fear/confusion/misunderstanding...
let people be happy that he has grown and has
become more supportive of deancas. Understand that it takes time to learn the importance of things like this/to step back from the personal side of it and allow people to celebrate that he has done that.
The TL;DR of this thread is basically

His past comments were hurtful. I wish he didn’t feel the need to say them. I don’t think he was ever h*mophobic. I believe he’s been educated. I like who he is now. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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