I see tweets about "Igbo Wealth, Anambra Wealth, Nnewi Wealth..." & they are bitter-sweet because we focus so much on individuals, & in our delusion fail to see the huge gaps in our communities; basics like Water/WASH facilities, Period poverty, Dilapidated Schools/Health centres
This video below is the sweet part. It shows our resilience in rebuilding our villages esp after the Biafran war & the promise of developed villages if govt plays its part #AkuRuoUlo

"Umunze Anambra state...Ndi Igbo na inye mmadu pressure." - @AdannaPapa
The tweet below is the bitter part.

In same Umunze, Govt & Ndigbo have neglected schools/hospitals etc

"Community school, Umunze was founded in 1912. 108 years ago. Very few schools in SE are that old. Sad the school is such an eye sore." - @akunnachux
Biko nu, Ndigbo umunnem, let's learn from generations before us; they built BOTH mansions & quality health ctrs/schools/halls; invested in training Teachers/Doctors/Ndi Father na ndi Sister @ home/abroad; they held Govt accountable & collaborated with politicians to dev Alaigbo🙏
Biko nu umunnem, Anambra Elections are coming up in a few months (in 2021), get involved. Participate and vote for credible/competent candidates.

Let's transform Anambra/Alaigbo. Ka anyi buru ndi eji am a atu na Africa/na uwa nile. Anyi zuru ka-eme. Think home. Invest in Alaigbo
In addition to celebrating mansions, let us also begin to advocate for, invest in and celebrate our communities in terms of job opportunities from thriving cottage industries, security & zero SGBV, access to WASH, quality public schools and pry health centres, good roads, markets
Ndi Anambra, anyi jepulu ejepu. We can't pretend that we are unaware of how to measure HDIs or what excellence looms like. Why are we getting swallowed by the Nigerian mediocrity? Why are we not being the Light of the Nation? All across Alaigbo, let's raise the bar of leadership
"EVERYONE contributes something to the common stock and as we are unacquainted with idleness, we have NO BEGGARS." - Olaudah Equiano (On The IGBO Society in 1789)

Let's target single digit poverty levels by 2030. Let's invest in STEM/Sports/Public Schools/Health/WASH/TVET/Arts..
Mansions everywhere, yet many girls across Alaigbo still face #PeriodPoverty; hospitals & schools are dilapidated/lack adequate WASH facilities esp in Enugu; (wo)men lack cancer treatment/diabetes care; Ebonyi/Enugu have high poverty; we lack reliable/fast WIFI; Nnewi lacks roads
The End/ Like I said at the beginning, our lovely mansions in our villages are wonderful and we should celebrate how far we've come since ÂŁ20 legacy.

However, it is also time for us to raise our expectations. Hold Govt accountable AND continue to complement with communal dev..
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