great, now do take that argument and apply it to public schools' charity status. (Or is it only *a certain type of people* that can't have nice things.)
If the fact that people are 50% more likely to take part in a partly state-funded scheme if their parents are from managerial and professional occupations is a reason to scrap the scheme, then you should scrap universities, the entire arts sector, the entire air travel sector
...the National Trust, subsidies to private education, fuel subsidies, subsidies to most sports (cricket, athletics etc.) the National Tourism Agency, 5G, Help to Buy, the Arts Council England, Historic England, the British Film Institute, the National Library...
And these are just regressive subsidies, don't get me started on regressive taxation.
And I know that the Erasmus stuff is a culture war bait, but here's a Conservative MP making the case for what is essentially equality of outcomes, which they decried as communist until the other day, to own the libs and frankly some shit can't be left unchallenged.
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