How to get a gf ✨ a thread✨
Hint that you want a date by asking her to do a fun activity. This will show her you’re interested without you having to directly state it.
Be direct and ask for a date if you feel brave. Being direct is the best way to get a date, though you may be rejected. Tell the girl that you’re interested in going out with her, then suggest a date.
Make her feel special on the date by showing her attention. Your date is your chance to make a good impression on her
Ask her for a second date at the end of the night. Let her know you had a good time and want to see her again. Then, follow-up after your date with a text or call to let her know you had a good time.
Spend time on her to help your relationship grow. How much time you spend together in person will depend on how old your are and your personal schedule. Text her daily to keep in touch, and interact on social media, if you both use it.
Ask her to be your girlfriend in person when you feel ready. Bring her somewhere you can be alone, then let her know that you really like her.
Stay calm and respect her feelings if she says no. While rejection feels terrible, it's something everyone goes through and it’s probably gonna happen because you’re using Twitter and you’re a loser lol
✨End of thread✨
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