Let's say 2020 has 🐝n challenging... I'm very proud of the resilience, fortitude, hard work & dedication shown by the @1in3mouthfuls #pollinator team & their many impressive achievements in spite of everything this year. Here are some highlights of 2020 in review 🧵 ⬇️:
. @janean_sharkey & Dr. @AlanaPindar reported a new wild🐝species record for Canada, the Hibiscus #bee (Ptilothrix bombiformis) from @OjibwayPrairie, read more here➡️ https://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/eso/article/view/6132 This brings the national total number of bee species in 🇨🇦to 927: http://beesofcanada.com/species 
Results from @DrLizFranklin1's work remotely tracking #bees in collaboration with @JakeShearwood @CristianoPalego @BangorApis et al was published on 22 Dec. Read more about this exciting research using UAVs and battery-less transmitters here➡️ https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/files/35824665/TMTT_2020_07_0802_PDF_file_2_.pdf #pollinators
Despite school shut downs @HandlerOfBees still worked with teachers from 200 schools across🇨🇦to set out nest boxes for cavity nesting #bees & #wasps. Since Sept Sage has🐝n heroically working to assess occupancy of the returned nests & extracting DNA for barcoding #BeesAtSchools
In the field this year @bees4future examined #honeybee & wild #pollinators visitors to milkweed flowers, @InsectAaron assessed🐜 biodiversity on a range of crops & @SabRondeau examined potential pesticide impacts on squash #bees, & hunting for #bumblebee queen overwintering sites
Congrats🎉Dr @AlanaPindar on securing @WestonFamilyFdn funding for your important work monitoring wild #pollinators populations in the Maritimes, & @HandlerOfBees on🐝ing awarded scholarships from both @NSERC_CRSNG & OGS for your work on cavity nesting #bees with #BeesAtSchools🎉
Congrats to @InsectAaron @HandlerOfBees @SabRondeau on winning @uofguelphOAC scholarships for🐝🐜 research, & @janean_sharkey on🐝ing awarded Biological Survey of🇨🇦Scholarship by @CanEntomologist to support work on native #bee biodiversity in tallgrass prairies #ProudSupervisor
Congrats to Kyra Lightburn @soil2skyecology & Sabrina Rondeau @SabRondeau on sailing through their #PhD qualifying exams during 2020. No mean feat under any circumstances, let alone during a pandemic! #ProudSupervisor @1in3mouthfuls @UofG_SES
Well done Kayla Mundy & Emily Agar for working so tirelessly to write & revise your PhD & MSc theses. This is a huge task under normal circumstances, so hats off to you for achieving this under #COVID19 restrictions. Good luck🤞for your defences in the new year #ProudSupervisor
Congrats @SabRondeau on winning🥇for your talk, "Quantifying the exposure of #bumblebee queens to #pesticide residues" at #EntSoc20 @EntsocAmerica & to @HandlerOfBees for your🥈@ #3MT talk “Un-Honeybee-Maple leaf-able #pollinator homes”📹➡️ #ProudSupervisor
Congrats @InsectAaron on being our team's media star for 2020. They appeared numerous times on radio & in print, including this charming interview on @cbcasithappens about #COVID19 impacts on research & caring for >10K #ants🐜at home rather than in the lab https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-the-thursday-edition-1.5676573/this-scientist-is-living-with-thousands-of-ants-because-of-covid-19-campus-restrictions-1.5676580
We're sad to say au revoir to Dr @ana_montcast who has taken up an exciting new role with the Joint Research Centre of the EU in 🇮🇹 @EU_ScienceHub & our fabulous undergrad research associates @amylikestrees & @alexaoutside who graduated. Congrats & good luck! #AuRevoirNotGoodbye
We're delighted to welcome @EntoSamm who is working on how on-farm habitat affects communities of hoverflies & wild #bees for their MSc co-supervised by @ADipteraYoung & welcome back former MSc student @claire_rubens as a🐝 #biodiversity research associate
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