Common misconceptions around making a Superman game and why they’re total BS. A thread...
1) “Superman is invincible”

Let’s nip this in the bud right here. Superman is not “invincible.” Tough? Sure. Durable? Definitely. Invincible? Not so much.

Superman gets beaten regularly and killed just as often. All it takes is one look at any of his comics to see that.
2) “He’s too OP”

Superman is not overpowered. Sure he has flight, super strength and can shoot lasers out of his eyes, but that’s just a power SET. If power LEVELS are the concern, those can be tweaked. Look to Superman TAS as the perfect template.
3) “Superman is boring”

I’ll leave this one short and sweet: you don’t get to 1000 comics published by being boring. Go pick one up from some of the amazing writers out there like @TomTaylorMade @BRIANMBENDIS @grantmorrison @geoffjohns to see the potential for a Superman story.
4) “He can’t fight a regular thug”

Yeah, no shit. That’s not who Superman fights. He fights alien armies, people with advanced weaponry, monsters, etc.

Superman has a robust rogues gallery that gives him a challenge. Use it.
5) “It can’t just be a boss rush”

Well for those unaware, let me introduce you to Superman’s alter ego: investigative journalist, Clark Kent.

Metropolis has a bevy of supporting cast members to offer puzzles, mysteries and new gameplay experiences.
6) “Game mechanics are an issue”

There have been enough games utilizing even more abilities than Superman has that have done them effectively.

DBZ games have existed for decades, and their latest foray (DBZ Kakarot) has shown them to perfect the model.
7) “Everyone can’t have Kryptonite”

Again, Superman is vulnerable to many more things than just Kryptonite. Super strength, red solar radiation, advanced weaponry, magic. The list goes on and on.
8) “Superman fighting is ‘out of character’”

False. All it takes is one look through this very thread at the many screens I’ve posted to see Superman won’t hesitate to throw hands, given the circumstances permit it.
9) “What about player progression?”

Easy. You can start off with a young Superman learning the ropes. Or maybe say fuck it, and just have him naturally progress. Nobody asks why Spider-Man can suddenly “swing faster”. Don’t overthink it.
10) “Superman can fly around the world, what’s stopping the player from that?”

The same thing that stops Spider-Man from swinging to Brooklyn or Queens.

If the action is in Metropolis, Superman will stay. Limiting the area isn’t your enemy, it’s your friend.
So I’m pretty sure that will cover all the bases. It’s not anymore difficult to make a Superman game than it is to make a game for any other superhero. Or any other action game at that.

We have to stop overthinking it.
You might be thinking after reading this that “but then you won’t feel like Superman” and that is also incredibly wrong.

As long as you give the player the power set, and make them powerful enough in respect to the game world, it will feel like enough...
Rocksteady’s Batman is by all means a weak version of Batman compared to his other counterparts. What Rocksteady does well is giving the player just enough to FEEL like Batman. Same with Insomniac and Spider-Man.

The same should be done for Superman.
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