Thread: Creating Miracles

(Manifesting Miraculous Outcomes)
🔑 Questions we’ll be exploring in this thread... ❓

- What is a miracle?

- What is collapsing probability?

- How do you actively create miraculous outcomes?

Let’s begin...
1st, what is a miracle?

Most people believe a miracle to be some impossible, otherworldly, or divinely inspired event.

They’d be wrong.

You don’t need to see an angel or hear the voice of God to experience a miracle.

You can create and experience miracles for yourself.
The word miracle has its roots in the Greek “thaumasion” & the Latin “miraculum”

It is that which causes wonder & astonishment - being extraordinary, amazing, or inexplicable by normal standards.

By this definition, miracles have more to do with perception than external events.
Creating miracles has far more to do with how you PERCEIVE & what you BELIEVE.

Perception and belief are the foundation that determine how you...

- Think
- Feel
- Behave

And your thoughts, feelings, & behaviors are what lead you into the moments you experience in your life.
These moments, from one to the next,, innately posses miraculous potential.

Any moment can become a miraculous moment.

Any moment can lead to a miraculous outcome.

Tell me...

How many more miracles would occur if you simply believed they could occur anytime, for any reason?
What would begin to happen if you lived as if miracles were commonplace?

If you not only believed that miracles CAN happen, but DO happen FOR YOU regularly...

What possibilities would begin to unfold in your life?

Leading to our 2nd question...

What is collapsing probability?
Think of it like this... 💭

Anytime you’re about to make a choice, you’re opening yourself up to a variety of possible realities.

The pure potentiality that exists between all decision.

Once you choose, the probability collapses.

Here’s a very easy to understand example👇
Moment from moment, again & again.

All moments opening up to all probable outcomes.

Every decision collapsing those probabilities, leading to the experienced reality.

It’s something you do unconsciously everyday.

Miracles occur when you make this process a conscious one.
Just reading about these ideas will let you collapse probability more consciously, because the info is being absorbed by your subconscious mind.

But I want you to walk away with ACTIONABLE advice.

Leading to our 3rd question...

How do you actively create miraculous outcomes?
The 🔑 is to live presently.

But it goes beyond what you’ve heard before.

It’s to live presently in a way that’s beneficial to your future.

Imagine if each moment you lived improved upon each successive moment.

Making the possible realities available to you better & better...
Stay conscious within the present & with your choices.

Make a habit of asking yourself...

“Will this choice lead to a reality that provides miraculous outcomes?”

“Will planting this seed today give me fruit tomorrow?”

Do more of what does, less of what doesn’t.

Read this 👇
Learn to live with the understanding that you’re ALWAYS collapsing probability.

You’re ALWAYS right on the edge of all possible outcomes.

Living with this understanding gives you a sort of 2nd sight, an advantage that lets you peer forward into the best possible “future”.

☝️ more piece of advice...

Start sending messages to your past self.

Think of the challenges you’ve overcome.

Consciously affirm to your past self that it all works out.

Make it a habit, and you’ll begin to “receive” messages from the “future”

My own experiences with this 👇
Ready to create miracles in 2021?

My “New Years Evolution” micro-coaching program is open.

Work directly with me to collapse probability & manifest miraculous outcomes.

Accepting 8 people ONLY.

Reply “interested” to this thread or DM me for details👇
Thank you so much for reading.

My wish is for you to make 2021 the best year of your life, full of miracles.

And for those of you that accept the invitation to reply or DM me...

You’re collapsing probability in favor of miraculous outcomes.

I look forward to working with you.
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