"...doctors and nurses often use drugs to de-escalate the person"

Anecdotic hospital encounters not representative of much less acute MH cases in gen pop. Without police gear, training, still deliver without killing or maiming.

"As well, I don’t know too many psychiatrists or psychologists who work midnight shifts on the street and are willing to insert themselves into uncontrolled situations."

Would you conclude the same if they had your pay and pension?


"he ran away to avoid the arrest"

White man says what?

A BIPOC to run away from the Police, specifically that psycho White officer who ended out killing him.
Was right to run from him.

Have they beaten him up in the past or just the day before?

8/18 https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2020/06/02/Canada-Race-Based-Violence/
"Police don’t want to deal with them."

Lack of training? Wanting to be saviors but without working with the public? How?


"the person is usually in full mental health crisis."

Myth. Public call the Police more for welfare checks than for full-on psychosis/breakdowns.

Trespassing and drug arrests do not equate to violent intent but lead repeat criminalization cycle.


"Monaghan’s argument ticks all the boxes in theoretical textbooks. In the real world, it is a little more complicated."

CAHOOTS has been in operation for decades with variants worldwide?

Nothing wrong, even in retirement, to educate yourself.

16/18 https://whitebirdclinic.org/cahoots/ 
"Monaghan also advocates for dismissal"

Professionals are also fed up with the cover-ups. Using civilian process with extra privilege and friends having control of police process and procedures... the process is rigged and I’m calling you out.

17/18 https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/news/opinion/the-thin-blue-line-police-accountability/270233
"Geoff Broadfoot served with the Ottawa Police for 31 years."

This speaks volumes about what our Police issues are:

🏫 Education 📚

I’m glad you are retired, you have time to review the links I’ve enclosed, and invite you to have a re-do of your article.

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