Hi there everyone! Today we've got an extra special neo-Nazi accelerationist and Terrorgram loser from Grangeville, Idaho! Give a warm welcome to Joseph Bruzas Mcguigan of Grangeville, Idaho, better known as "Nazgul" to his Nazi buddies!! Hi Joey :-)
Joey here is a budding figure in the online neo-Nazi community and has had several ventures in neo-Nazi activism. In this community he is known as "Nazgul" but is not to be confused with Grayson Denton, a member of Atomwaffen Division who also went by Nazgul
Joey runs a neo-Nazi Telegram channel which he has named "Racism Factory" but formerly went by Operation Defiance. On this channel Joey spreads violent neo-Nazi propaganda, praises mass shooters, and harrasses people of color and Jews.
He is particularly known for his disgusting racist caricatures, which we will not reproduce out of respect of the victims/their families. Joey also makes his own Nazi propaganda, often featuring himself or designs ripped from other Nazis.
Joey also had a number of Instagram accounts which he used to promote Operation Defiance, or as he called it "IcyWaffen". This ultimately led us to Joey's identity. You can find the archive for one of these accounts here: https://archive.is/Skws6 
Joey, under his "Nazgul" psudonym, actively promotes political violence, terrorism, and harassment against BIPOC and Jewish people. He often brags about racial harassment, and just yesterday bragged about beating a black man in a racially motivated fight.
Unfortunately for Joey, he isn't the brightest, and gave us a pretty easy trail from his Nazi instagram accounts to his real identity. Joey tends to use the same usernames (tfxc_runner) for numerous accounts, many of which bear his real name. Whoopsies Joey!!
Joey also, at various times, linked these accounts to his "Nazgul" Telegram personality through the use of the same pictures/slogans. Oh... and he also put Nazgul on his personal Facebook account.
We learned a lot about Joey! He is a big track and field runner for Nez Perce High School in Nez Perce, Idaho and he graduated earlier this spring. Joey also worked as an intern for @Hillco_Tech, although it seems he is no longer employed there.
Joey also owns several firearms, which he uses in his sad little Nazi propaganda pictures. Given the amount of violent, overtly threatening and terroristic posts Joey makes, his access to guns is highly concerning.
Joey also likes to play Nazi dress-up. Joey seems to think he looks really cool, but bringing full body armor and a gasmask to the gym? Pretty sad Joey.
Joey is also close with our old pal Chris Alan Pohlhaus or "The Hammer", and Joey has brought several of Chris' Nazi merch items. It is unclear how much they communicate but they are clearly internet friends in some form.
Hmmm I also wonder if Joey had anything to do with or any knowledge of the neo-Nazi vandalism at the Boise, Idaho Anne Frank Memorial???
It is unclear if Joey is employed or enrolled in school, but he most likely still lives with his mother in Grangeville, Idaho. If anyone has information on Joey or his employment/school statues, please email us at afg161@ protonmail. com
To sum things up, Joseph McGuigan of Grangeville, ID is an active neo-Nazi. He actively encourages and participates in harassment and violence against Jews, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ individuals. Joey is a threat to people in his community and his neighbors deserve to know about him.
Please be sure to spread this and pass to anyone who may be living around the Grangeville or Nez Perce area!!! Special thank you to those who contributed :-)
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