Our inability to introduce remote learning during a global pandemic is a social problem.

A decade of austerity has left families without the means to own adequate devices, and some can’t even afford broadband.

Scoff all you like, but it is reality I’m afraid. 1/10
It wasn’t long ago @GavinWilliamson was promising help for poorer families, so their children could access the necessary equipment to learn from home and no child is left behind.

How did that go? Do I even need to ask?

Another huge failure from the fireplace flogger. 2/10
“Whatever it takes”, they said.

I’ll stick my neck out here and call that bullshit. Utter hogwash.

“Whatever it takes to ensure our friends get HUUUUGE PPE contracts” - that would be accurate. 3/10
Remote learning is far from ideal.

I understand the difficulties, but as I say, this is a failure of government.

Life preservation has to come first.

My child isn’t a guinea pig. 4/10
They will not have an adequate test and trace system in schools, and let’s not pretend otherwise. Schools are not prepared for it. It’s a ludicrous and desperate proposition.

@michaelgove is confident schools will stay open.

He might not like experts, but SAGE disagree. 5/10
Gavin Williamson says he is worried about the “poor and most disadvantaged children” missing out on their education yet the national security risk didn’t give a crap about the same children missing out on a decent dinner when he voted to cut benefits, on FIFTY ONE occasions. 6/10
More than 41,000 new cases were reported on the last 24 hours. That’s a new record.

We are told a mutant strain of the virus is tearing through the country, and it really doesn’t like younger people.

Education is vital. Health is vital. A balance is needed 7/10
Our NHS is close to being overwhelmed, going by various reports.

The Labour Party are nowhere on this, AGAIN.

As I said in August, we send children back now at our peril. 8/10
We have vaccines arriving. This will take time.

Have we considered shorter Easter and Summer school holidays?

Teachers have died, hundreds have been very poorly. Do they deserve this? No 9/10
The government and the opposition need to get their acts together, and quickly.

Parents, teachers and children need certainty, not Gavin bloody Williamson and Kate someone-or-another.

Our lives matter. We expect action. 10/10
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