People who are scared about libertarian proximity to alt righters and marxists have never read a book from either which is precisely why I'm so thankful to Pete for allowing me to steam ahead of them and educate you folks on the incredible array of thought that exists
Capital Ls would vastly prefer you read Hayek, Friedman, and no one else. Because they are afraid that you will outpace them. They fear that you may actually breakthrough in a way that makes them uncomfortable. They hate anarchists, because they are unpredictable by nature.
They want hegemony over you just as every neolib, ever communist, and every ^social democrat^ does. Do not be fooled. THESE PEOPLE are NOT your allies, in any sense. Though they share the label you may take (which I think means you should drop the label), they want nothing but
absolute compliance from you. They want their political party to succeed, and so they play by the rules of the state. They are willing to lobby, to bribe, and to bend the knee on their own beliefs (as well as literally scapegoat YOU) in order to accomplish their political goals.
Capital L libertarians are worse than Marxists in that they wear their dishonesty as a badge of pride. They are political actors on par with Lenin; they will dismantle every semblance of wisdomseeking until their bubble is precisely small enough to exclude everyone but themselves
The most evil people are those who seek to denigrate you by calling you "buddy-buddy" with Nazis. Absolutely fascistic behavior. But, it is self-destructive, as we see with the socdems who are constantly shattering over and over and over. Ostrocize THEM fast; toxic on purpose.
If you are a mutual and a libertarian and feel I am speaking about you I assure you I am not. But that would be testimony to how effectively these toxic cretins have attempted to divide us. I do not fear you or your thoughts, nor do you mine. So why are they stoking fear?
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