This is a good question with an interesting answer (I think!)
Octane's "super jump" was patched out in Season 7.
What's his super jump? It's this extra height/distance you can get if you hit jump JUST after touching the pad. Honestly, I've never done it, but I knew it existed
It happened because of a feature often called "coyote time", a lot of games have it.

Just like in the cartoons, for a very brief time after you've walked off the edge, you can still jump.

This helps players with network lag, but also simply makes the game feel better. We don't want to punish you for being milliseconds off on your timing.

However, the interaction with the jump pad was a bug!
A little bit of (normal) network latency made the game think you were in coyote time when you bounced off the pad, so your jump input still counted and doubled with the pad's bounce.

This had been in our system as a bug since launch, because it was just that, a bug!

But, designers knew it existed, and knew Octane mains considered it a bit of undocumented mastery with speedy boi. The topic came up every now and then to "fix" it, but we were hesitant.

It was a topic left hanging in the ether, since we are shipping all the time and Octane mains liked it. It seemed fine for now. But the bug still existed in the backlog.

Well, a very responsible engineer decided to fix some old bugs!

Now you may think, "well didn't you notice before it shipped?" and honestly, no. It's a very nuanced feature, and if any of the devs felt it before it shipped, it never reached a designer's attention.

So, anyway, it shipped.

Since, we've heard Octane's asking for it back. We hear you, but we want to do it better, instead of reverting to the old bug.

It won't be in the next patch, but hopefully for Season 8 (we are testing now) Octane will have some jump pad love that is a bit more accessible.

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