I aim to be a voice of reason, realism and generally positivity on here and say it how it is.

I'm putting it out there, this silly dallying over schools is going to put lives at risk and this government need to sort their shit out. There are, in my view, some simple steps.
1. Keep schools closed for the first half term of spring. Remote learning will take place, as well as V and KW provision.
2. In that time, schools can set up a fully working testing system.
3. Vaccinate school staff so we feel safer in school.
4. Parents recieve statutory furlough, so they are financially secure. Most non essential jobs are closed any way.
5. Use spaces in schools as local community vaccination centres for these six weeks to increase vaccination rates.
This, in my opinion, is a very achievable plan and has some long term planning which means everybody knows what we are working towards.
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