I just want to use this as a backdrop while explaining how social security works for widows (and to encourage all to include end of life planning in your resolutions this year).., https://twitter.com/bosnerdley/status/1343629622680936452
My husband paid into social security all his working life. (I worked off and on but stayed home to raise our children & take care of our home)
When my husband died I received a one-time $255 benefit. That’s not a typo.
Since my kids were over 16, I do not get anything for them even though they are still dependents.
Kids over 16 but still in High School get a monthly benefit, but SS makes sure it’s sent to the kid, not mom.
That benefit ends when they graduate from HS or turn 19. The college student is just out of luck.
I can draw from my husband’s account monthly at my retirement age, as long as I don’t remarry before then.
Many widows in my age group are in dire straits because they didn’t know these things & don’t have life insurance.
So forgive me if I don’t grovel and glow over this “COVID Relief” package. It’s just insulting.
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