Twitter fam,
Contrary to some popular belief, our Lady was NOT an unwedded teenager. St Luke and St Matthew make it clear that Mary was betrothed to Joseph (cf Luke 1:27, Matthew 1:18). In Jewish tradition being betrothed is a legal contract of marriage.
Hence why in Deuteronomy 22:25-27, it talks about the legal repercussions of being betrothed and committing adultery. In Matthew 1:19, Joseph wants to quietly divorce Mary. Why would he seek a divorce if they were not yet married?
Yet in v.20, an angel appeared to Joseph and encouraging to his wife Mary into his home. Furthermore, this is why Mary’s answer to the angel Gabriel, “How shall this be?” makes sense, bcuz she pledged herself to be a virgin in marriage.
Thus, Mary is NOT an unwedded teenager, rather a married woman who got pregnant outside of marriage. We know it was through the Holy Spirit that Jesus was conceived in Mary. Another point, Mary’s motherhood did end at the cross, rather one can say it started at the cross
As Catholics, we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of our Lady. Many theologians state that Mary did not feel any pain during childbirth. Rather, as Ven Fulton Sheen says, it was as light passing through glass or a window.
Further in his reflection, Sheen states that though Mary was spared of the childbirth pains, she wasn’t spared of the pain of crucifixion; and as it were, our birth into heaven.
To conclude, please study your bibles, the early church fathers, your catechism, and good orthodox books. Don’t fall into popular beliefs bcuz they sound cool or are politically motivated. Pax 🙏✌️

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