It didn't end with the slaying of the 300 at Thermopylae
It began
It didn't end with another crucifixion at Golgotha
It began
It didn't end with the slaughter at Sand Creek
It began
It didn't end at Ford's Theater
It began
It didn't end at the Lorraine Hotel
It began

It didn't end at Pearl Harbor
It began
It didn't end on 9 11
It began

Here & now you arrogant & ignorant, evil & foolish traitors & enemies, foreign & domestic, nothing is ended.
Yamamoto knew better than you

You have awakened the American giant and filled us with terrible resolve and now your end begins.

Dear Deep State Dems, Antifa, BLM, Rinos & assorted traitors & enemies, foreign & domestic:

Your masks won't stop us or silence us.
Your shutdowns won't stop us.
Your riots don't scare us.
Your're not as disciplined as the British.
You're, not as organized as the Nazis.
You're, not as fierce as the Imperial Japanese.
You're not as brutal as ISIS.

~ Jeffrey Prather

(A retired SOCOM soldier, DIA Intelligence Collector and DEA Special Agent targeted by the deep state and turned whistleblower.)
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