I finished adventure time, finally.

Honestly, there isn't much I can say.
Some parts were really good, others just disappointed me or even irritated me. Many of the good parts, especially in the first few seasons, were ruined by them trying to be funny.
Whenever it got serious, they were really really good at managing it. Until they tried to put their comedy aspects in. The comedy in this cartoon was quite terrible.

I was really surprised by how well they did it when they really wanted to.
Spoilers starting now, Season 1-10:

The first memorable thing I can think of is the Lich, it had some really really great scenes, especially the one with the well. It looked amazing, it gave shivers, it was kinda spooky. But then they pulled the "power of love" crap.
Stupid "funny" solutions to problems are unfortunately reocurring a lot. I mostly watched plot-relevant episodes, I found a list online which showed me the episodes I needed to watch. The humour was terrible so I didn't end up watching most of the side-episodes.
Something I really really loved and which I'm glad they decided to keep serious is the story of Simon. Marceline was pretty great too, one of my favourite characters. Her voice actress is a great singer, I really love her work.
Simons story was really good, in my opinion. Too bad we didn't find out much about how the previous world ended, we just know there was a bomb, a bomb that set free the lich. The flashbacks of the post-apocalyptic world, them having to survive on the bare minimum was nice.
I also really loved the idea with the crown, Simon offered his sanity to protect himself and Marceline. He left Betty, but I thought of her return to be eh. I kindof liked that Betty met the same fate as Simon, offering her sanity to get Simon back with her.
They both lost themselves to powerful magic and even at the end, they didn't get to be together. Simon returned to normal and so did Betty, but she used herself to protect Simon a last time. I really didn't like the end, but we'll come to that later.
Marceline wasn't too great off either, but I really loved her as a character and her singing is great. The relationship with PB was meh, but I kindof liked it, not only because it was gay.

I didn't like PB much as a character, she mostly annoyed me.
What I did like about her was her moral greyness, she would do pretty much anything to fulfill her desire, but she had no malice. She was a nice person who just doesn't get that some things she does aren't right.
I loved when Finn lost his arm, it was a really really interesting thing. They had a lot of foreshadowing to it. But then he got that arm back because a tree grew out of where it previously was? For no reason at all? I thought that was extremely stupid.
It was nice to see him having to live with losing an arm, I'm glad it was gone again later, but it should've just stayed off, the way he lost it again was silly. It just turned into grass and walked off and became a new character.
I liked Fern because Finn killed him, it was great to see Finn struggle to do what he always does, because this time he killed someone who was conscious, someone who could think. Someone he considered a friend. He had to live with murder, being a murderer.
But they resolved that inner conflict in a single episode. That really sucked. I wish we could have seen him struggle with it until Fern returned.
The "War" at the end of the series was underwhelming, BMO talked about "The great gum war" and I was really looking forward to a war that ended Ooo, but it never happened. Instead just some random crap happened they talked about briefly before. Sure, some parts of it were cool.
Simon was back to normal.
What did we get to see of it? Pretty much nothing.
PB and Marceline being together shouldn't have been pushed to the very last episode but fine, whatever. They're cute.
All we got were like 3 minutes of scenes of what happened after. I know there's another series on-going right now, but the first episode was BMOs story before he met Jake and Finn.
The last episode had some tragic parts I really really liked and I might have cried if it kept going like that, but they resolved the LAST conflict by singing "in harmony" with all the occurring characters together, I was so mad.
The scenes with betty and simon were kinda nice, I liked them. Overall disappointed in the last episode though, it started out nice, it had some nice scenes at the end. I wish the great war would have happened. It was what ended the world last time.
Would've been nice to see it happen again.
I liked that the episode was longer than any other, 40 minutes sounds reasonable for a last episode, too bad they didn't use it well.
Jake honestly has very little to talk about, I didn't see him as an important character. He was just there, with finn. As comedic relief. I don't have much to say. Same goes for the Lemon people, they just screamed a lot and purely served as plot device.
FP had some interesting parts, but overall only served as temporary love interest and further plot device, she was still kindof a nice character though.
I liked the 6-parter about Marcelines vampire hunting, I liked that it was futile, that all that trouble was for nothing, in the end. She went back to being a vampire, back to being immortal. But at least now, if she doesn't get into trouble with PB again, they can be happy.
The whole thing with Finns dad was just stupid, nothing worth talking about.

What I kindof liked was the story with the island of humans. It had VR, it was dystopian, I liked it.
It was pretty sad that Finns mother lost both her child and her husband the same day, the went off the island. It was also sad when Finn got to see his mother in VR one last time. The plot on the island itself was pretty shitty though.
I liked Susans story and I'm glad she never appeared again, since she left to explore with her friend. Susan as a whole led to a lot of interesting things, especially Finn who thought he was the only human left.
I can't think of much more to comment on and I am already past the first thread limit, so I'll conclude it for now. I will write more as soon as I am reminded of more, it was like 10 seasons and it took me a bit to watch, despite binging it.
I have to say, despite it's flaws, it was worth watching. I genuinely enjoyed it. Very very bingable, in my opinion. There were many things which annoyed me and I unfortunately didn't write my thoughts into my private channel live, which makes this a little more difficult.
It's a good show, the serious parts of it make it great. The comedic parts mixed into it make it less great, it could have been a lot better. It still had stunning moments though.
I definitely recommend watching it, I will be linking the list I used.
I don't want to put a number to it, since it's always difficult to judge. It's worth a watch if you can bear with it being long, it's worth a watch if you can live with it ruining your mood sometimes because of stupid decisions they made.
I could kindof connect with some of the characters, which was really nice. Simon and Marceline were probably my absolute favourite characters, which I think is a pretty common opinion.
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