Screenshots from J.E. Dyer @OptimisticCon's

The key supporting effort appears to be underway on Trump’s operational timeline

57 paragraphs in 24 shots will show up below. Paragraph numbers added in red, each shot will be numbered like so: 1/24. Random thoughts follow.
25) But do hold fast. That's precisely what I plan to do, and hope you will too. And on that note, I want to encourage you just as strongly as I'm able to consider commencing your own thread-writing practice. I've done enough of them to have some thoughts to share.
26) Most important. Your thought are YOURS. You do NOT need to identify a source such as this wonderful article and make a commentary on it, as I will. But you can! In fact, part of the reason I provide the screenshots is in hopes of you doing just that.
27) Please, by all means, feel free to quote retweet any or all of these shots, or copy them in any other manner you wish and have at it! Just always be sure to provide the link to J.E.'s article (I will post it again for the umpteenth time below.) Make sure to attribute HER!
28) My screenshots need NOT be attributed in any way, as far as I'm concerned. All I did was take the time to do them, and snip the paragraph numbers in. There's nothing there that I own, at all. What this does is frees us all to refer to paragraphs by number. It's powerful.
29) What I've found doing my long-form threads is that there is a tremendous hunger and thirst in the MAGA Movement, as we continue to awaken from our 100 year slumber, to get beneath the surface, down to root causes and factors, to real truth.
30) No one could have been more surprised than me to discover that Twitter is a perfect platform for this method. I don't know about others, but doing my work in this medium has been a type of training ground in how to become a better writer.
31) Enough about that. Let's get back to you, regardless of your writing aspirations or lack. It's YOUR thinking that matters. Consider J.E.'s work. She already knows what she knows. She tightens and hones it when writing, and makes thought discoveries to be sure.
32) But her purpose is not to tighten her thinking, that's an added benefit. Her purpose is to enlighten and inform US, her readers. We are her purpose. Think of it this way. If a writer fails to generate thinking among readers, the writer has failed.
33) Remember the old bromide about the tree falling in the forest and the question about whether or not it makes a sound? The answer, by the way, is that it makes sound waves, but not sound. Sound is what is heard. Sound waves are what are propagated.
34) The analogy is directly appropo. If you have a thought sounding off in your brain, but never express it to another, you had a thought, but you did NOT convey that thought to others, and, unless that thought leads to some for of action it withers and dies in your mind.
35) A thought is a terrible thing to waste, especially good ones, even more, the best ones. But, do NOT disparage bad thinking! There's no way to immigrate to the land of good thinking without sailing over the ocean of bad thinking. It is, indeed, a journey.
36) We know that iron sharpens iron. If you would improve your thinking put it forward and face all attack. Be calm and cool, to the degree you can. Bring good humor where possible. But don't be afraid of your emotions either. Writing is not an antiseptic art. No rubber gloves.
37) Again, be clear, the world - or at least that segment of it your words may reach - NEEDS to hear what you think. If the Internet has given us nothing else, it has created the democracy of all thinkers. @GenFlynn's Citizen Journalist leaps to mind. Right?
38) Perhaps I may piggyback on his concept and call for Citizen Editorialists, or Citizen Commentators. Please hear me when I tell you, your thinking and your commentary counts. Your friends and followers respect you, and will be fascinated to learn more about what's inside you.
38) Let's go back to J.E. Her first article did more than break my brain, it broke my commentating ability. Literally. I had one I didn't even pin to my profile. It just fizzled out, mind demolished...temporarily. I had to put it away for about 2 weeks.
39) Then, yesterday, when I turned back to it, mind breaks occurred again, but no complete breakdowns and...I BUSTED through. You may not have patience for it, but I broke the problem wide open. Thrilling for me, let me tell you!
40) Last for now, you do NOT have to commit to doing regular threads, or even more than one. You're allowed to give it a try and see how it goes. Experimentation is the name of the game when getting started.
41) Also, you don't even have to write your own thread. For instance, up above in tweets 1/24 - 24/24, you can make comments with no further comment. Just sound off. You'll discover, though, that if you comment on each one, you've created a thread-in-waiting, if you will.
42) We've been told that the most committed wins. And, in high combat, that's absolutely true. Where it is 100% wrong is in any fledgling art or endeavor. The truest commitment to the smallest, least thing, even the weakest commitment that just shows up is where it's at.
43) The coaching principle I employ in my day job is this. It it's the right one, one commitment completed will buy you two more to try. And who knows, two may get your four. Let's not prejudge, afterall, we wouldn't want to be prejudiced, right?
44) The gentlest, slowest learning curve that continues sustained is the one to bet on. One of my friends, comparing his postings to my own said, "I'm just a dog howling at the moon." And I said, that can be a beautiful form of music too. Don't you agree?
Screenshots and random thoughts thread ends at #45.
P.S. If you come back tomorrow morning, you'll see how I start to tackle the commentary challenge on J.E.'s second article. We'll have fun, and besides, this is, to my eye, the only show in town worth watching. This is the true fight. Nothing else matters.
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