CW: weight loss

A lot of people are talking about body positivity atm so possibly controversial take: it's not necessarily wrong to want to lose weight. If your 'body positivity' only goes one way, and is judgy about those who choose to lose weight, that's not positive at all.
A lot of the rhetoric implies that if you want to lose weight you either hate yourself, hate fat people in general, or are too stupid not to fall for cultural messaging that says you must be model-thin. That's bullshit. You are allowed to have preferences about your own body.
I dye my hair different colours (well, when I have time). I wear make up and clothes of a certain style. All of that alters my appearance.

I also take medicine. I go to therapy. All of that alters my health.

None of those changes make me toxic, only wanting to lose weight???
From experience I always feel I have to be silent about my weight loss or be shamed for being toxic, but I've lost a lot of weight this year and I'm much, much happier for it. Body positivity should be about accepting people of any size/shape of their choosing. Theirs. Not yours.
I don't care what you do with your body as long as you're happy! My choices are not necessarily your choices, and that's fine! I'm just fed up of this shaming and nastiness hiding under the umbrella of 'body positivity' as we come up to New Year.
As with so many of my rant threads, it comes down to this:

The only person you're in charge of is yourself. Let everyone else be who and how they want to be.
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