Like the last few years I read quite a lot again this year.

10 favourites incl. mini description in the thread (no order)

1) Antifragile & Skin in the Game - Actually 2 books, but both are worth reading. The whole Incerto series by Nassim Taleb is.
2) Ethics of Money Production - Underrated book in the Bitcoin environment. Was published one year before Bitcoin’s existence.
3) The Almanack of Naval Ravikant - Already read it twice. Will treat it like a bible I can pick up whenever I feel like it.

@EricJorgenson created the book with the highest value/word ration I have ever encountered. Thank you @naval for publishing your ideas.
4) Meditations - Introduced me to Stoicism, a mindset I’m trying to implement into my life since then.
5) Refactoring UI - By @adamwathan and @steveschoger. A masterclass in how to 10x you design skills in 2 hours. Best UI book I ever read, by far.
6) Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman! - Super fun and inspiring. We should all aim to be like Richard Feynman more often.
7) The Courage to be disliked - Good intro to Alfred Adlers school of Individual Psychology.
8) Born a Crime - Just a fantastic, deep, enjoyable, fun read.
9) Can’t Hurt Me - David Goggins is a fucking badass. Very inspiring and made me enjoy running even more.
10) Becoming Steve Jobs - The better biography of a brilliant man.
11) Honorable Mentions:

- Human Action, which I am still reading, but is extremely good so far

- Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality - Asks difficult questions

- The Rational Optimist, The Lessons of History
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