[THREAD: Globalism vs Globalisation]

I. Stop mixing up the terms 'globalism' and 'globalisation', they're not the same.

'Globalism' is typically the belief/attitude that nations should put 'world' interests over their own. It also universalist, seeing groups/cultures as equals.
II. Globalists are advocates for supranational organisations like the WHO, EU and the UN support mass immigration/open borders and support trade agreements like NAFTA/TTIP.

'Globalisation' describes the economic impacts of global trade, entrepreneurship, and investmentย abroad.
III. As you can see one is more political while the other is purely economic. Economic globalisation is great, political globalism is awful. I'll let Ryan McMaken explain:
IV. When it comes to Brexit, we have left a political globalist organisation but we should not reject our opportunities to engage in economic globalisation via free trade (which Britain has historically been very good at). But people should stop conflating the terms.
V. Neolibs genuinely believe in political globalism while tradcons conflate the two terms. I am neither, I think political globalism leads to more statism and corrodes liberty but still think free trade is beneficial.

Leave the UN, EU, WHO but trade with the entire world.
VI. 'bUt iF yOu WaNt tO lEaVe tHoSe oRgAnIsAtiOns tHaT mAkeS yOu A nAtiOnAlIsT!'


I support nationalism because currently it means decentralisation and anti-political globalism. Also, as Deist shows, I support it as self determination is the crux of proper libertarianism:
VII. Globalism is cringe and no classical liberal/libertarian worth their salt should support it. But tradcons in their desire to reject globalism then reject markets and free trade without realising both are beneficial to their own nation and people.

>inb4 lolbert
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