How to play core mirana in 7.28a (a thread)

Mirana is right now one of the best heroes in the game. Really high pickrate with the highest winrate of the most picked heroes. The mistake I see though is that people still think sup4 mirana is her best version (wrong)
Mirana is viable as pos1,2,3 atm mostly because both right click and magic damage seems to be viable on her. The 100% crit on the shard is an absurd powerspike for the cost of it and the extra leap charge is definitely good
The aghs made magic mirana much better. In the past you would need a blink or some sort of mobility to reliably use the aghs or else you would waste tons of leap charges for pretty mediocre damage. Pairing arrow with the starstorm allows magic mirana to play from afar
Pos1 mirana farms much more than 2/3. This pretty much means maelstron is the first core item you need to pickup. Number of wraith bands should be about how hard it is to cs in lane.
Bottle is really good on mirana (like weaver). You can pick up bounties and your manar sucks.
Pos2 mirana is much more versatile. Both right click and magic damage are viable. If you have reliable initiation (es,shaker,axe) aghs increases in value quite a bit. Against hard to catch heroes or when you lack setup right click is also a viable choice
Pos3 is similar to 2 but with slower timings and lvls. I would say going magic is a much safer/smarter choice in general. I also think urn is an underated item on offlaners specially mirana. The sage's mask gives you mana early and when it becomes urn it allows you to play well
You usually can't afford bottle since you get really squeeshy and so having the hp to get back into fighting shape is awesome. That said it can also become euls, medalion so its never a bad purchase.
I didn't include info about starting items and lane play because the thread is also very long but let me know if you think this format is decent.
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