Montreal and Toronto both have municipal snow removal for their sidewalks. The only reason we're even debating whether it's a good idea for MPLS is because Americans have been so poisoned by neoliberal politics that we forget cities can and should provide essential services.
The mobility of disabled people is essential. The mobility of poor people is essential. The mobility of elderly people is essential.
Winnipeg has a relatively new, tiered sidewalk snow removal program that focuses on the downtown core and "active transportation" streets. Seems like a good place to start!
Instead of quote tweeting me, jump into the comments if you think I'm misusing the term neoliberal. I don't think I am, but some of you seem to be under that impression and I'd be happier to just have that conversation in one centralized place.
American cities have gone all-in on the idea that the private market is better equipped to handle this essential service, and uses this framework to say it's A) too costly and/or B) less effective to provide municipal snow clearing. This seems like peak neoliberalism to me?
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