the Labour Party withdrew its nomination of Dabinderjit Singh to take a peerage in the House of Lords.

Dabinderjit is a Sikh activist w/ decades of experience, but this saga has revealed the pettiness of strategies seeking ‘representation’.

#Dabinderjit4Lord 🤨

illusory titles —

firstly, we firmly believe that the House of Lords is an outdated institution which should be abolished in a society which predicates itself on democracy.

Sikhi also shows us that such ceremonial forms of recognition are ultimately not worthy of pursuit.

co-opting Sikh struggles —

this saga has shown us how Sikh voices, faith, and challenges are constantly co-opted to fit popular political strategies.

as we call-out for ‘representation’, a concept that takes focus away from systemic change, so much is erased and reduced.

india’s influence —

this saga also shows the increasing influence of india within british politics.

in a week where sikhs have been arrested for extraction, where dominic raab visits india, and where britain announced its brexit deal, indian influences will only grow.

recalibration —

we encourage sikh communities and beyond to transcend the politics of representation, to avoid getting drawn in to arguments on social media, to focus on action over words, and to continue building for a better future.

kisaan mazdoor ekta zindabaad.


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