I just turned 22

In 22 tweets, I will try to summarise actionable lessons I learnt over the last 5 years after dropping out, making hundreds of mistakes, interacting with 10k+ people and working on dozens of projects

I am still learning, so I could be wrong
Note: Most advice including this is useless as it lacks context

I have tried to keep these tips actionable (with evidence) compared to most "perfume" advice out there such as "don't settle", etc.

DM me if you want details or help with any point below

Let's start 🚀
1. Read the best 20 books ever written, at least three times

The top 20 books will probably cost you $200 but will teach you more than you would learn be spending hundreds of thousands on your formal schooling

This link will help you in choosing them https://www.goodbooks.io/top-100/non-fiction
2. Don't take yourself too seriously

We are insignificant in the grand scheme of things

Not convinced? Check out

Be grateful for what you have and enjoy the little things in life. Practice gratitude every morning

In the end, nothing else matters anyway
3. No one cares about you (unless it directly or indirectly benefits them)

Life is a single player game

Use this to your advantage. Go the extra mile. DM your loyal follower on twitter, call and check in on an old but forgotten friend, etc.

Be extra kind. Build a tribe.
4. Your network is your net worth

To build your network, ask yourself, how can I add value to the other person? How can I possibly help?

Seek to give, not to get

Give without even thinking what you could get in return. Give generously

Just THIS, will do wonders
5. You are the average of people you spend the most amount of time with or think about

Choose your friends, colleagues and idols wisely

Have high standards

Surround yourself with people who help you be your best self and give you honest feedback
6. But how do you do that? How do you audit your group of people?

Make a list of your non negotiables. For example, "I don't want to surround myself with people who often gossip about others"

Distance yourself from people who don't meet those non negotiables
7. There's nothing more important in life than your family and friends

I learnt this the hard way.

Nurture those relationships, it's probably THE ONLY thing you will reminisce on your death bed and help you lead a wholesome life.

Watch this video
8. Well there's one thing that's more important than the above

And that's your own health

Lift (body weight)
Drink water
Avoid sugar & packaged/outside food
Get your macros (prioritise protein) and micros (vit d, biotin, etc)
Have consistent sleep time
9. Find a mentor

Have mentors and role models to look up to

How do you find good mentors? Refer to pt 4 and pt 6

A good mentor doesn't have all the answers, but is someone who shows you your blind spots

Ideally, have at least 2 mentors for personal and professional growth
10. Have a grand vision

Ask yourself, what do I want to be remembered for?

The earlier you find it, the better (it can change)

Even though you will be insignificant in the grand scheme of things, having a sense of purpose in life makes this game fun, challenging and fulfilling
12. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

We all have battles to fight

But most of our battles are battles of the mind, not of the body

"You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength."

Read this https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/kidding-ourselves/201405/the-remarkable-power-hope
13. Have high moral boundaries and a value system others can admire

Set a high benchmark for yourself

The way you'd make non negotiables for your friend group, make them for yourself

Read them out aloud daily

Stick to them diligently and you will be silently rewarded
14. Don't chase awards

It's good to be recognised for your work but don't make that the sole purpose of life, it gets addicting and makes you toxic after a point

Focus on yourself, your work and value creation, cut out the BS. Everything else will automatically follow
15. Kill your ego

It's easy to develop ego in the online world by having followers, likes, superficial appreciation, etc

It's nearly impossible to do great things in life with ego, as you won't be able to build a tribe

Refer to pt 2 above and let that video destroy your ego
16. Don't compare yourself

With everyone's lives and achievements publicly available online, it's difficult to not let it affect you

There will always be those who are greater or lesser than you

In the end, nothing will matter and it's foolish to compare and get sad
17. Take more shots

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Having a goal is useless if you don't take a shot at it

The more shots you take, the higher is your probability of scoring the goal

Most people are too afraid to take a shot

Remember, there's nothing you can lose
18. Compounding is the 8th wonder of the world

Our brains think linearly which is why most of us fail to benefit from compounding

Study about compounding and imbibe it into your brain

Leverage it in finance, habit formation, etc

Start small, start early and stay consistent
19. Focus on creating the right habits and killing the bad ones

"First you create your habits, then your habits create you" - @jamesclear

Exercise, Meditate, Journal, Read, Be Grateful, Manage your money,
20. Focus will be the superpower of the 21st century

We live in an age of information and distraction overload

Turn off most of your notifications. Check out the Indistractable book by @NirEyal https://www.nirandfar.com/indistractable/ 
21. Be a story teller

The human brain thinks in stories and visuals

The best route inside someone's mind is through a story

Learn how to craft good stories and tell them to create an impact

Watch this video to start your storytelling journey
22. Learn to think for yourself

Information is free and abundant today

What remains scarce is insight

First principles thinking can probably have the highest impact on your intellectual growth

Learn it all here http://fpt.guide/ 
23. Bonus - Proactively learn new skills and sharpen your axe

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” - Abraham Lincoln

Strive to be your best self in the limited time you've been given here on this mote of dust 😉
There are many lessons which I missed out, I will try to cover them in a blog post soon

We're also working on something cool to help you learn some of the above lessons early on life, as schools don't teach them

Stay tuned and thank you for reading till the end :)
Just realised some tweets were published incomplete. Pardon the error. Will fix in the blog post.
You can follow @rgxai.
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